Friday, March 9, 2012

Vine Cloth Pattern

I've been in the repetition of the Quaking Aspen Shawl and felt the need to deplete my stash, make something that could be finished quickly and would be easy enough to cut my design teeth without too much pain.

What took care of all three?

A very simple washcloth/dishcloth design.

Everyone knows that handmade dishcloths make great little hostess gifts or other little "I was thinking of you" goodies.  Not so true if you went out to Target or the local pharmacy and picked a stack of those scratchy cloths and gave them to the hostess -- right?

I'm thinking of making a stack of these for favors at my next wine and cheese gathering - I'll adapt the colors to a theme for the night and everyone will have a nice little gift to take home.

Right now  - I'm the only one who has knit this pattern up.  I'd certainly appreciate it if you'd let me know about any errors (or feel free to ask any questions).  And I'd be really tickled if you'd send me photos of your finished pretties.  (I'll also post this on Ravelry, so we can all gather there -- okay?)

Vine Cloth
By Peggie Arvidson based on Hanging vines stitch pattern found in the daily stitch a day calendar 2012
(perfect hostess gift for the wine lover on your list)

For the green/yellow: I used about 1/4 of a skein of Peaches and Cream multicolored cotton yarn.  For the Blue and brown, I used less than one quarter of each the brown and Blue.  Both Peaches and Cream cotton.

Size US 8 needles.

You can adjust your needles to get the "feel" that you want in your cloth.  If you're a tight knitter like me 8 or 9 probably would be excellent.  If you are a loose knitter?  try a smaller needle.

Additionally -- if you'd like this more in a towel size -- cast on more.  The pattern is in a multiple of 8 plus 6 for the 3 edging stitches on either side.

Cast on 34
Rows 1-4: Knit
Row 5: K3; (K2, K2Tog, YO, K3;) 4times;  K3
Row 6: K3; purl 28; k3
Row 7: K3; (K1, K2tog, YO, K4) 4 times; K3
Row 8: K3; P28; K3
Row 9: Knit across
Row 10: K3; P28: K3
Row 11: K3; (K3, YO, SSK, K2) 4 times; K3
Row 12: Knit across all 34
Row 13: K3; (K4, YO, SSK, K1) 4 times; K3
Row 14: K3; P28; K3
Row 15: Knit across
Row 16: K3; P28; K3
Repeat Rows 5-16 twice (or as many times as you want to get the length you prefer)
Repeat Rows 5-14 a final time
Knit 4 rows
Bind off

You can embellish by adding stripes and adding a little crochet “rope” at the corner to hang the cloth!

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