Thursday, December 8, 2011

So. I Cheated.

On the scarves I'm making for Christmas.  And the last pair of mitts to make for that new client.  And the mitts that the daughter has been clamoring for (What?! the 4 week knitting class and all the trimmings weren't enough?! j/k the mitts are coming.)

What else am I cheating on?

Creating the home study class that is sitting, nearly fully formed in my head.  (I tell myself that knitting is an excellent gestational tool)

You see.  I really, really wanted to make this Thistle Cap: 
I could think of nothing else.  (I'm told that this happens to knitters all the time - this obsession with an idea or project that will. NOT. be. Quelled.)

It was distracting.

So yesterday I made a quick trip, in the pouring rain, to Fibre Space to purchase yarn for the Gaiter I'm going to make my brother.  (BTW, he's going to love it.  I selected a tweedy 'cherry' color by Tahki Yarns-Tara Tweed.  It's #16 if you want to look for yourself.)

For a girl who hates every other kind of shopping (clothes, shoes, groceries) I can't seem to get out of that shop.  I spent a good half hour shooting the breeze and fondling the yarn.  I was still holding a picture of the Thistle Cap in my mind.  I spent an inordinate amount of time at the St. Denis Section. I had a hard time choosing between the Magenta and the Peony.  (Maybe if I'd been able to see the name of them both I would have picked Peony - they are one of my fave flowers).

I picked Magenta.

I flew home, and after a very wet dog walk and extended drying session (with two chow-mix dogs drying after flooding rainfall is...tedious), I cast on 88 stitches to get started.

After dinner I swore I was going to work on Michael's lovely but boring as hell scarf (K4, P4 over and over and over).  And I did.  For an hour.  But that hat was CALLING my name.

So, it's done now.

When my lovely hat model gets home from school today, I'll take some pictures to show you how adorable it is.  However, it seems a little shallow.  That's probably something I did.  I probably shorted a repeat.  Sigh.

I'll have to do it again.  But later.  I can't keep cheating this month away.  There is much to be done and if I cannot figure out how to add more hours into each day (so far nothing's worked) I'm going to have to stick to plan.


  1. Why am I just discovering this blog????? Love it. Terah

  2. Because I'm stealthy like that. hah! Watch for more in coming months.....
